
"You are where you are for such a time as this -- not to make an impression -- but to make a difference." AnnVoskamp

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Gift Old, New, Blue

608. A Gift Old: My Bible. I've had my Bible since 1990. So although it's not as old as others I've seen - it's old. When I married the husband, he asked me if I would like a new Bible since my last name had just changed. But if I got a new one, I would lose all the many notes I've written in this one over the last 23 years. I considered a new one, then decided a name is only a name. This book had too much extra information in it for me to start over! So I still use this one.

609. A Gift New: A new year. God knew when He created everything how important new beginnings would be to us. Every year we have an opportunity to begin again. - Every day, we have an opportunity to begin again. Our lives are filled with new beginnings.

610. A Gift Blue: - can I use my Bible again? :)  Blue is my favorite color. All shades. I love blues. So I could list so many things under a gift blue! I think today I'll choose the blue sky. God created the heavens and the earth. He created an expanse between the water under and the water above it. He called the expanse "sky."  In Job it's described "Hard as a mirror." In Isaiah "Like a canopy." These descriptions are among many in the Bible. It's used in songs, in poems, it's described in detail in books. We look up and our descriptions - though many, can never really describe the sky until it breaks open and Jesus appears and we are caught up with Him. - Then, once we reach heaven, then our descriptions of the sky will contain words we never imagined.

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