
"You are where you are for such a time as this -- not to make an impression -- but to make a difference." AnnVoskamp

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Gift Worn Out, New, Made-Do

Use it up
Wear it out
Make it do
Or do without

160. A Gift Worn Out: When my Mom came home from hospital - after breaking her hip - my Dad had sorted through some things and he put her worn clothing items in a stack for her to decide what to do with them. One was a sweatshirt she had purchased Y.E.A.R.s ago! I know she didn't want to get rid of it - it was so soft - you know how sweatshirts get softer as they age - kind of like many of us. Our rules and regulations don't mean quite so much as we near the winter of our lives. It was a true gift for me to watch my parents as they decided what to keep - what to make do - with and what to throw away. (my Dad never throws anything away! - he just got a new rag!)

161. A Gift New: For my 60th birthday this year, Randy gave me a once in a lifetime gift! He took me to a very nice store and let me shop! We had so much fun. So I came home with some beautiful new clothes! (+ turquoise boots!) I expect these clothes to last me for many many years! Maybe even the rest of my life. - As much as I want to believe I will lose weight and they will become too big - - hmmm, I really doubt that will happen!

162. A Gift Made-do: Before the move to Jamaica in 1991, we went to an auction and bought a box full of sheets. White cotton sheets. I LOVED THOSE SHEETS! -especially in Jamaica. They were so cool when one would crawl into bed. I have one left. After all these years. But it was wearing out, I just couldn't bear to get rid of that old cotton sheet so I mended it. It's at the bottom of the bed so I really don't think guests notice it. If they do they are too polite to mention it!


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