
"You are where you are for such a time as this -- not to make an impression -- but to make a difference." AnnVoskamp

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Gift of Tin, Glass, Wood

154. A Gift of Tin: "Tin Cans" of food in our pantry - "Tins" in our pantry - wherever you're from, how ever you say it, whatever your canned goods are called, after a snow storm and being home bound - it's very nice to have the pantry restocked for the N.E.X.T. storm coming in tonight!

 155.   A Gift  of Glass: The most important gift of  "glass" I have ever received has been my eye glasses. I have had them since 4th grade and I am unable to go without them. Let me tell you a story including my glasses and an angel!  In 1999, I was in a car accident, my car flipped 4 times from front to back, landed on the wheels, my hands were still on the steering wheel and my first thought (believe it or not) was "I need my glasses. God, please help me find my glasses." Anyway, a man saw the accident and came to my window to see if he could help and I asked him if he could see my glasses anywhere. The drivers window was broken out - I figured they were in the grass somewhere. He found them on the floor in the back seat - folded exactly like they are in this picture. We were both very surprised. - I'm convinced an angel found them (caught them) folded them and put them in the back seat.

I am virtually blind with out my glasses. So thankful for this gift where the glass is so important for me to drive, to read, to see.

155. A Gift of Wood: My dining room table is such a great gift. With all the leaves in, it can usually seat whatever guests we have visiting. A meal shared, with everyone together, what a great great blessing.

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