
"You are where you are for such a time as this -- not to make an impression -- but to make a difference." AnnVoskamp

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Grace Borrowed, Found, Inherited

70. A Grace Borrowed: My friend Ellen loaned me a book a few weeks ago. The reason this is so special - and not just a general book loaning is because the one she loaned me had been autographed by the author and was her special copy!

71. A grace found: I have always enjoyed using a hymnal in my quiet times. I have always had a favorite Hymnal that I used and in the move I misplaced it one way or another. I contacted one of my old friends and she found a copy for me.

72. A Gift Inherited. Many years ago, my Grandma gave me several pieces of furniture that she had. But to me the furniture represents much more than "wood" formed together to make a useful piece. It represents my heritage. The piece that came across the water so many years ago, then rode in the wagon during the land run. - you know, that kind of heritage!


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