
"You are where you are for such a time as this -- not to make an impression -- but to make a difference." AnnVoskamp

Sunday, March 10, 2013

3 Gifts in Christ

As I'm thinking about 3 Gifts in Christ, I am left to pause. Where do I start? I picture in my mind Jesus (as I see Him) - I see Him feeding 5000, I see hear him teaching, I see Him playing with the children, I see Him praying, I see Him carrying that cross, I see Him on that cross and I see Him investing His time, love, His very life in M.E. 

When I think dwell on Jesus, I very seldom think of Him as a baby or child. I automatically go to His ministry years. Maybe that's because I spent so many years in ministry and I thoroughly believe everyone has a gift to be used in ministry and we are called to fulfill this ministry.

196. So my first gift in Christ that I'm choosing to list is the gift of Ministry. He gave us a perfect example of serving God. Of serving the people. Being a servant that loves God first, people second. Doing His ministry is so fulfilling we need no other fulfillment in life. But we fall so short and look for fulfillment from other "things", other "people", other "relationships" - just o.t.h.e.r. 

I'm so very blessed to be able to serve in the example of the Gift of Christ.

197. Christ gives us the gift of mediating for us with God. How much easier it is to go to God through Christ rather than through the Old Testament Laws. How very blessed I am for His gift of sacrifice. For mediation.

198. Throughout the New Testament, throughout the Bible as a whole, we have a perfect example of Christ. Of His attitude. His servant attitude. Philippians 2:5 is my favorite verse. 

"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." NIV

I am so thankful for His attitude and the perfect example He has left for me. I fall short every day but His attitude that I strive for is a perfect gift.

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