
"You are where you are for such a time as this -- not to make an impression -- but to make a difference." AnnVoskamp

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Gift Given, Made, Sacrificed

351. A Gift Given:  When we go sale-ing, we often see things that we know others may like and if the price is cheap right we will buy the items for friends and family. Like this tutu for a grand.

Or books for my friends in Life Group. Or playing cards for our friend Ron. Or puzzle books for my Mom. Or... well, you get the picture. We enjoy giving.

352. A Gift Made:  Well, I used to sew. But I've tired of it but still had a yearning to "express" myself!! So, my step-daughter, Michelle and I took a few Media Art classes. I realize it's not my "gift" but it is fun!! So I've been making a few pictures for friends. Here is one for my friend Linda.

353. A Gift Sacrificed: Before I married Randy we decided I would move here to Kansas. So, even though it doesn't seem like a sacrifice because I'm so happy - it was an adjustment for me to leave my home in Oklahoma. And I often miss it. - Especially the people and my 2 sons that are still in Oklahoma.

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