
"You are where you are for such a time as this -- not to make an impression -- but to make a difference." AnnVoskamp

Friday, November 30, 2012


There have been times in my life - where in a moment - a small glimpse of time - I knew my life would be different from this moment forward. Defining moments, so to speak.

Holding each of my new born babies was a moment of change. I knew my life would be different from that point forward. Even with no sleep, dirty diapers (and not the disposable ones!), bottles, just the normal change in schedules I knew this was a good change. Each time, with each child. The love that explodes in a new mother's heart is a moment that forever changes her. Even when Aunt Frances told me I would never get a full nights sleep again - it was okay. I cherished the change that came.

The day my first husband came home from a "retreat" in the Kiamichi Mountains and told me he believed God was calling him into the full time ministry. In that moment, I knew my life would never be the same. It was an exciting change of hearing and responding to the Word of God. 

With the change of each new ministry came a different life. Not on the inside, inside I was still trying to live within the grace of God. But these changes came with new houses, new friends, new styles of ministry. Again, all were exciting times for me.

Then there was the day, a man came to visit and told me my husband was having an affair with his wife. That was a moment that changed me forever. A defining moment in my life. One that changed me inside as well as outside. This was the moment in my life that I knew either I believed the God of grace was in fact the God of my bad times as well as my good times or that I had been living a sham. It was a fleeting thought that He wasn't with me, and I decided to let Him lead me in this new change in my life, in this moment. I determined to let Him give the the strength and courage He gave to Joshua - the dignity and grace that He provided to Ruth, to Esther, to all the women in His Word.  He provided. In my changing times, God led me, He comforted me and at times he admonished me. He showed Himself to me so strongly, being a follower of Him is my only option. I have no other.

Then meeting and marrying Randy was another defining moment in my life. God blessed me - "a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over." I am deliriously happy with the changes that have come from sharing a life with this man. Inside and out.

Over the years of changes, I have had many opportunities to attend National Youth Leaders Conventions, of hearing wonderful preachers, God gifted speakers. I have been to many women's conferences, Women of Faith Conferences. All have made changes in my life with encouragement, Bible knowledge and giving me moments to define my walk with God.  I have read books that have done the same.

Earlier this month I had the wonderful opportunity to attend another Women of Faith Conference in Kansas City. I traveled with a group of women that I'm just now getting acquainted with. And the conference  was not a disappointment. Encouragement. Worship. Blessings.

But  there was a point when I realized my life would change from this one moment. It came as I listened to Ann Voskamp speak. In her speaking, I heard the voice of God urging me to take this small simple task and let it change me - from the inside - forever. 


 Give thanks. Grace. Joy. Be grateful.

On purpose. Making a daily change.

A change on the inside which will change me on the outside.

I've taken the challenge. I will make a change. This one a conscience change on my part. Not a change from someone else's actions. A moment each day that can make a difference in my life which in turn will make a difference in other's lives. A challenge I gladly accept. I realized that when I heard a women, striving to live in God's grace, speak about the defining moment in her life, that it can also be a defining moment in my life.

I will make a list of 1000 gifts and more - of all the small things. Of the large things. Of all the gifts from God that I am so grateful for. I will do it with joy.

one thousand gifts 
by Ann Voskamp

I hope you share in my change.  


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